W moim stroju nie ma nic specjalnego, prosta niebieska koszula, bordowe spodnie i okulary. Jednak okulary, które na początku miałam ze względu na prawo jazdy ( mimo mojej dużej wady wzroku wcześniej ich nie nosiłam ), sprawiają, że nawet z pozoru zwykła, nudna koszula, prezentuje się dobrze. Dlatego je właśnie tak lubię, nadaja niebywałego charakteru wszystkiemu o mam na sobie.
Not much, just a few pictures taken with a white background. I never was a good model, when we were going out on a walk it was always something in the background that was supposed to make the picture look good. With no background it's all about the model. I felt a bit uncomfortble but well the outcome is better than thought it would be.
A plain baby-blue shirt, burgundy pants and glasses. Nothing spectacular. But when we are at can I just say how much I love my glasses ? I had to get them for my drivers licence but I think they can make even the simplest outfit look original just like jewerly.
What do you think ?