W moim stroju nie ma nic specjalnego, prosta niebieska koszula, bordowe spodnie i okulary. Jednak okulary, które na początku miałam ze względu na prawo jazdy ( mimo mojej dużej wady wzroku wcześniej ich nie nosiłam ), sprawiają, że nawet z pozoru zwykła, nudna koszula, prezentuje się dobrze. Dlatego je właśnie tak lubię, nadaja niebywałego charakteru wszystkiemu o mam na sobie.
Not much, just a few pictures taken with a white background. I never was a good model, when we were going out on a walk it was always something in the background that was supposed to make the picture look good. With no background it's all about the model. I felt a bit uncomfortble but well the outcome is better than thought it would be.
A plain baby-blue shirt, burgundy pants and glasses. Nothing spectacular. But when we are at can I just say how much I love my glasses ? I had to get them for my drivers licence but I think they can make even the simplest outfit look original just like jewerly.
What do you think ?
That's such a pretty frame^_^
OdpowiedzUsuńI love my glasses as well cuz they're also super convenient when I've no time for makeup! They give an instant lift to my face!
Love the pics and your glasses look very good on you<3
OdpowiedzUsuńHey doll!
OdpowiedzUsuńThanks for following, followed you back.
I love your blog and I love your post!
OdpowiedzUsuńWe could follow each other :)
Stay in touch ;*
Hello dear, you look so cute, love your blog, I just followed you, hope you can visit mine and follow if you like. I put posts about fashion and outfits, look forward to seeing you there.
You look so sophisticated! great look! I just came across your blog and I'm your newest follower :) Would you mind checking out our blog and (if you like) following back via GFC and Bloglovin'? Looking forward to your next post! XX
nice pics
OdpowiedzUsuńMaybe we can follow each other !?
Just let me know :)
I think it looks great! Simple but fashionable :) xx
Love the Blouse! Great Pictures!
OdpowiedzUsuńHappy Monday ,kisses
We love your glasses too!!
Alicia & Sofia
I love your eyeglasses! They frame your eyes beautifully!! :) xx
Całkiem niezłe efekty :) Aparat Cię lubi a to najważniejsze .... :)
OdpowiedzUsuńA great outfit to chill at home in, and also I think you look great with glasses, it really fits your face! :) So glad I clicked on your comment that led me back to your blog, your posts' contents are info and image juicy so expect to be seeing some regular comments from me. If you fancy over-sized coats, then you've gotta check out my new textured over-sized Viktor & Rolf runway coat (got in on sale of course, phew! lol) accompanied with provoking color-block accessories. Tell me just how provoked you are! ;P
OdpowiedzUsuńxx The Provoker
I love the lighting and your outfit!
I believe you are a really good model!^^
Lovely photos,the glasses look great on you! :)