niedziela, 26 czerwca 2011

Let's dance to Joy Division

I haven't been here for ages ... Well, maybe i shouldn't own a blog if i have such a huge problem with posting regularly ? In 4 days i'm leaving Poland and i'll be gone for whole 2 months so i probably won't post anything then.
I know there is no point in running blog this way but there is small part in me which terribly wants to have it even if it would be rusty, dusty and forgotten .

Anyways, since we have holidays,a lot of free time, and nice weather we went out to take some photos. I'm not sure if they are really that good but well, here they are:

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Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Image and video hosting by TinyPic


1 komentarz:

  1. nice photos!
    kisses and have a nice day!=)
